6 top tips for your invoices
Photo source: Pexels, April 2021
Sales invoices are essential for every business and we’ve seen our fair share of them over the years! Here are our top tips to make sure your invoices work effectively for your business:
1. Include your logo on your invoice (if you have one) - it'll help you stand out from other businesses and leverage your brand.
2. If VAT registered, make sure to include your VAT registration number on your invoice (did you know it's an HMRC requirement?)
3. Make sure you include your full business address - this is really helpful if you move offices at any point.
4. Include a telephone number and an email address on your invoice. Try to use a generic email address e.g. info@... or hello@... rather than a specific name - this makes it easier to manage if your staff change!
5. If you get paid by bank transfer, make sure your bank details are on the invoice! Get paid quicker and make it easy for your client to know who to pay. You’ll need the name of the bank account (“Your Business Ltd”), sort code and account number. If you often have international clients, include the full IBAN and SWIFT numbers too
6. If you list a lot of items on your invoice, consider how it will look over two pages.
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