A Week in the Life as an Accounts Junior: Vol 3

Welcome to the final installation of my Week in the Life blog. Sadly there will be fewer pictures of the flora and fauna native to the Accountability environment (awww). But that’s because as part of my new hybrid working pattern there’s now more pictures of the wildlife that frequent my local area (yay!)


That’s right, now that I have passed my probationary period, I have transitioned to working two days of the week at home. This will really cut down on my commute and give me a little more time outside of work, which is a nice segue into…

I am now a few weeks into my AAT Level 2 course and enjoying it immensely. It has been a challenge (and I think the toughest part is yet to come) because I haven’t done any studying in a long, long time - let’s not talk about how long exactly! But I enjoy learning new things, and I especially enjoy that feeling when some new idea or information becomes embedded in your brain and you realise you “get it”. Next stop: Exams (eek).

Anyway back to Accountability: one of the benefits of becoming more comfortable with the work is that I now get to have direct dialogue with the clients I work on - no more hiding behind the protective shield of my Accounts Senior. It’s an aspect of accounts work I hadn’t really thought much of prior to joining the company, I was just thinking in terms of figures, reports and making the numbers match, but so much of the work is talking to real people and finding out what is happening in their business. I really enjoy it, and I’m loving making connections with people and getting to know them better. In fact, I’m having coffee with a couple of clients this week!

Well that about does it from me but before I leave you, I just want to talk briefly about the great team I work with here. We recently spent a morning on a training course to learn how to improve how we work together as a team - we have frequent sessions like these to better ourselves and it’s a really valuable exercise. I wasn’t expecting it to be as much fun as it turned out to be! It was really gratifying to be able to function well as a team whilst enjoying ourselves and that’s a testament to the group we have here.

Until next time!

Matt Addison